︎ Move In, Less Out
Mobile application to affect Point of Decision in managing food and health
By Jamie Wiberg ︎

According to the U.S. EPA, food waste is the single largest component of waste sent to disposal, constituting 22% of discarded municipal solid waste. In 2017, 41 million tons of food waste were generated, with only 6.3% diverted from landfills and incinerators for composting.1 Implementing a food and health management app for students, faculty, and staff on the U-M Campus will improve food literacy and environmental impact from food waste in the short-term, and improve diet and health in the long-term.
According to the U.S. EPA, food waste is the single largest component of waste sent to disposal, constituting 22% of discarded municipal solid waste. In 2017, 41 million tons of food waste were generated, with only 6.3% diverted from landfills and incinerators for composting.1 Implementing a food and health management app for students, faculty, and staff on the U-M Campus will improve food literacy and environmental impact from food waste in the short-term, and improve diet and health in the long-term.
- How?
1. Reduce waste and improve diet decisions.
2. Provide health and waste management model as leading institution.
3. Educate / inspire students, faculty, and staff to become involved in helping solve the envrionmental sustainability issues facing the world, improving our health and well-being.
4. Stimulate market demand for healthier, greener products
- What?
An app designed through point of decision design (POD) that has a QR code associated to every food packaging item. The app features
include: fast facts of food/packaging, compost, recycle, or trash information, the Waste Race, possible ways to reuse packaging and a collaborative inventory base.
- So What?
Front-end dietary health risks associated with packaging includes poor food quality resulting in high blood pressure or chronic diseases, as well as toxic substances associated with the physical packaging.2 Back-end health risks include respiratory and water-borne illness caused by the degradation of landfill wastes which produce toxic leachate and greenhouse gases.3 Food waste and food packaging account for 30-40% of what U-M sends to landfill from most buildings.4 The University has a goal to reduce waste sent to landfills by 40% by 2025. We have currently reached 3% of this goal.4

Uninformed disposal leads to contamination in waste facilities, causing properly recycled items to go to the landfill instead.
Design to Outcomes
Implementing a food and health management app for students, faculty, and staff on the U-M Campus will improve food literacy and environmental impact from food waste in the short-term, and improve diet and health in the long-term. Methods of analysis include retrieving the amount of waste in landfill, recycling, and composting bins (before and after intervention). A survey of student food waste knowledge (before and after intervention), will also be utilized.
Works Cited
1. Onufrak, S. J., Watson, K. B., Kimmons, J., Pan, L., Khan, L. K., Lee-Kwan, S. H., & Park, S. (2018). Worksite Food and Physical Activity Environments and Wellness Supports Reported by Employed Adults in the United States. American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 32(1), 96–105. https://doi.org/10.1177/0890117116664709
2. Quintiliani, Lisa, Sattelmair, Jacob, and Sorensen, Glorian. (2007). The workplace as a setting for interventions to improve diet and promote physical activity. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/Quintiliani-workplace-as-setting.pdf?ua=1
3. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Institute for Health and Productivity Studies. ; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.) (2016) .Physical Activity in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers. The Institute for Health and Productivity Studies, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. https://www.jhsph.edu/research/centers-and-institutes/institute-for-health-and-productivity-studies/_docs/archived-projects/WHRN_PA.pdf
4. Siegel, RP (2013). How Biking Improves Employee Productivity. Tripli Pundit the business of doing better. https://www.triplepundit.com/story/2013/how-biking-improves-employee-productivity/59136