︎  The Conscious Life

How to encourage people to explore their city through incentivising getting out and moving?
By Elyssa Bakker ︎ ,  Erica Behm ︎ 


The Conscious Life will help residents and visitors learn about resources and activities available to them to maintain a healthy / fun lifestyle through the use of a mobile application that will reward users with coupons to healthy food options and recreational activities upon completion of tasks.

  • Why
Encourage people to explore their city through incentivising getting out and moving!
  • How
    Through the use of location tracking + app technology, push notifications delivered at points of decisioncan remind or informpeople of alternative, more active modes of transport.
  • What
The Conscious Life is a mobile application that rewards individuals with coupons for: healthy food options, groceries, gym trainers or memberships, and recreational activities. While walking about the city and getting exercise The Conscious Life will provide locations for installations, architecture, and unique hidden locations. The Conscious Life sends notifications periodically reminding people of their ability to make use of the space they have and reach their goals!
  • So What
The goal is to get people engaged with their city in a healthy way. The Conscious Life will help residents and visitors learn about resources and activities available to them to maintain a healthy, fun lifestyle. The Conscious Life gives people motivation to start orcontinue their health journey in a user friendly way.

The design continum shows the topics proposed in the database.

Design to Outcomes
The community becomes a more connected and positive community; greater engagement and excitement over the different health and recreational outlets within the city.

︎︎︎Download The Conscious Life Poster

Works Cited
1. Onufrak, S. J., Watson, K. B., Kimmons, J., Pan, L., Khan, L. K., Lee-Kwan, S. H., & Park, S. (2018). Worksite Food and Physical Activity Environments and Wellness Supports Reported by Employed Adults in the United States. American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 32(1), 96–105. https://doi.org/10.1177/0890117116664709
2. Quintiliani, Lisa, Sattelmair, Jacob, and Sorensen, Glorian. (2007). The workplace as a setting for interventions to improve diet and promote physical activity. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/Quintiliani-workplace-as-setting.pdf?ua=1
3. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Institute for Health and Productivity Studies. ; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.) (2016) .Physical Activity in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers. The Institute for Health and Productivity Studies, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. https://www.jhsph.edu/research/centers-and-institutes/institute-for-health-and-productivity-studies/_docs/archived-projects/WHRN_PA.pdf
4. Siegel, RP (2013). How Biking Improves Employee Productivity. Tripli Pundit the business of doing better. https://www.triplepundit.com/story/2013/how-biking-improves-employee-productivity/59136
