︎  BrainHealthByDesign

How can we improve the living conditions for lower-income seniors to promote social and cognitive health?

This project is set up to explore the relationship between brain health and aging, and address them along the design continuum- from information to product to place, to policy, while being anchored on the environments we are living in, and the human minds & behaviors that shape them. It is practice-based and focused on making feasible, actionable, meaningful changes to the senior living system.

By visiting affordable senior housing sites in Detroit, students learned about the real-world challenges in the current senior housing system. Provocations to addressing senior residents' mental health issues are generated by primary and secondary research. The outcome of the course will be a position paper (in any media chosen by the students) with a proposed intervention/ innovation that is actionable, bridges disciplines, and addresses the design continuum. Each group is teamed with students from various disciplines taking this course to have a rich dialogue and an actionable outcome.

Project Debut
Mid Review: WED 6pm, 11.17 │ Final Review: WED 6pm, 12.08

Reviewers : Teresa Keenan (AARP), Maggie Calkins (Ideas Inc), Andrea Marquez (Communities First), Avni (Dalal) Thomas (Presbyteranian Villages of Michigan)
Guest : Grace Roebuck, Kimia Erfani, Gaby Espinosa, Triana Vidargas


BrainHealthByDesign Projects

How can we connect the senior citizens to the community through different design strategies?
How can an architectural environment create positive, stress-free spaces that promote sensory stimulation in aging adults through nature based interventions?
How do we help the seniors of the Presbyterian Villages of Michigan care for their brain health to prevent and mitigate cognitive decline?
How can the corridor be transformed from a space of disorientation into a stabilizing and re-regulating place that enriches the broader therapeutic environments and supports healthy aging?

Our project aims to encourage senior citizen engagement with the surrounding community through cross-connections between local spaces and resources along with the creation of different spaces and social programs.
Sensory Stimulation through Nature aims to recognize loss of sensory ability in aging adults and develop a Micro-Ecosystem that fosters new stimulation through nature and natural elements.
The Power of Play project aims to improve brain health and prevent significant cognitive decline through increased social and physical activity in older adults through specifically designed programmatic game elements, architectural indoor-outdoor spaces and digital space.
Our project aims to improve wayfinding, and in turn agency + belonging, for elders who have experienced trauma and cognitive decline by designing landmarks and sensory cues.
#Intergenerational #Connections #Belonging
#Stimulation #Nature #Micro-Ecosystem
#Play #Empathy #Network
#Wayfinding #Trauma-Informed #Sensory Cues